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(“The Professional Provoker”) is the Founder and President of Empowered Performance, LLC a worldwide management education and consulting firm. Michael has extensive international experience working with companies of varied sizes and industries helping them implement strategies to attain World-Class levels of performance. Michael has developed expertise in “Enterprise Excellence”, Enterprise Resource Planning and Supply Chain Management (ERP/SCM), Lean (Toyota Production System), Team Building and Problem Solving, Six Sigma and Reengineering Business Processes. He is considered an expert in helping companies develop and implement Strategic Business Units and fast response customer service production units.

Lean Transformation: The Design Phase

by mstickler on Tuesday, February 19, 2013 8:00 PM
The Design Phase of a lean transformation is dependent on the quality of the Diagnosis Phase. Don’t start the Design Phase unless the leadership of the business agrees and signs off on with the Diagnostic Phase document ...

Lean Transformation: The Diagnostic Phase

by mstickler on Wednesday, January 16, 2013 10:00 PM
In the Diagnostic Phase of the transformation, a very intense analysis is used to gain a detailed understanding of the “current state” of the business. The elements evaluated are: Business Processes, Organizational Infrastructure, and Organizational Culture, as well as how effectively these elements support the customer’s requirements and needs.


A Manufacturing Renaissance: Determining whether to insource

by mstickler on Wednesday, January 09, 2013 12:00 AM
“Those jobs aren’t coming back.” Really? Yes, they are really starting to come back…. Stanley, GE and Apple to identify a few, have realized that manufacturing can successfully be done right here in the good old US of A! There are a growing number of reasons to manufacture some if not all of your products in the USA, be it because of marketing, profitability, or a hedge against risk of poor delivery performance or quality.

Operational Excellence

8 Must Do Preparations for Successful Lean Transformation

by mstickler on Tuesday, October 23, 2012 6:00 AM
The old adage “Measure Twice, Cut Once” applies to the Preparation for lean transformation. Many times transformations start with very little or no preparation, which results in a very stressful and rushed diagnosis. This deficiency in turn can then lead to poor design and weak implementation phases. It is essential that certain activities take place before the diagnose phase begins. This increases the probability of a successful transformation and the team getting off to the best start possible.


Two Rules

by mstickler on Wednesday, April 25, 2012 12:00 PM
During a meeting with a client a few days ago, I was asked, Mike, based on your experience, what is the most important thing we could do to insure long term success. I have always answered this question with the “Two Rules”.

It’s BIGGER Than Washington!!!!

by mstickler on Wednesday, October 14, 2009 12:00 PM
Face it! As a manufacturing business, you really only have two choices. You can stick your head in the sand and hope the business/economy will come back (or Washington will save you)…or you can go out and make something happen now.

Rapid Cost Reduction Right Now, with “Extreme Lean”!

by mstickler on Sunday, April 12, 2009 1:00 PM
We realize that you need to get costs down today. We also realize that you need to execute in a way that enables a longer-term Lean vision and a continuous improvement culture to be developed. We can help you achieve both right now! In fact we GUARANTEE IT! ...

Mr. Smith Goes to Washington!

by mstickler on Thursday, January 15, 2009 2:00 PM
I had a chance to see this movie yesterday and I must say it really made me think. In the movie, one of the senators from a western state died and the governor had to appoint a replacement...

The Answer to Our Energy Crisis!

by mstickler on Tuesday, July 29, 2008 12:00 AM
The current energy situation in the United States should be blamed on one thing and one thing only! The total lack of leadership in our government, from our presidents and our congress. For the greatest county in the world to be dependent on any other country for energy is a crime. It is time to set aside the petty bickering and do what is right for all Americans!

Our Dependency on Technology

by mstickler on Monday, March 10, 2008 4:00 AM
Over the past week I have been without email access periodically and my website has been up and down, very frustrating! I am sure you have had similar experiences at some point in time...

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